domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009
interACC10 - POTENCIA sense LLUM
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
WHAT DOES INNOVATION MEAN? The Human meaning of Innovation
I have learned important things that make me realize that "Innovation" has a very human sense, further than the technical or technological meaning. I learned so through a survey conducted with people of different ages (between 25 and 50 years) and professions (from journalists, to students, engineers, consultants, civil servants, mothers and home workers).
In this word we capture human feelings and passions, we capture fears and expectation. We put a lot of sensitiveness and expectations in “Innovation”. We put future, welfare and relief. In a way, we put Love and Fear in it. Further than the technical or technological meaning, it is a very human word.
* Innovation is (28%) a Better Future, a means to go ahead, to change to transform, to advance and to renew. A way to move from one place to a better one.
* Innovation is (11%) hard to achieve, it is like getting by swimming to the Paradise Island, or climbing a mountain where we will enjoy a wonderful view. Innovation is like doing a journey to get to the holidays place. Innovation means effort.
* Innovation requires (17%) some capacities, such as Creativity. Getting on with something new is not obvious, and effort is not enough. Some inspiration is required, or some work towards thinking in a different way has to be put at this game.
* Innovation is not for sure (6%), as it takes some risc to get along this path. You do not always get to the end. You may fail… and this gives lots of interest, passion and adventure to the innovative activities.
* Innovation is (14%) related to Technology. This is not a surprise to me. Nevertheless, maybe the surprise is that, to most of us, it refers to Technology only in a low percentage.
* Innovation has to be (14%) practical… it is not about “the sex of the angels” (people wonder if angels are boys or girls… I wonder why they wonder.). It is about getting practical results, something that helps us to live better in one way or another. If it is not useful, it is not Innovation.
* Innovation has a Human Meaning (11%) or, to say it in other words, it has to have a Meaning. Great wonders here…. Big nuances here. The Human Meaning is diverse, as it depends of each Human being. Innovation is what you desire or what you love; Innovation is what you like or what you wish; Innovation comes from your guts and from your instinct. Innovation lies in a part of your mind that nurtures your wishes and hides your fears. Innovation lies in your sense of humor and Innovation is a channel for your energy.
To me, Innovation has a meaning, and this is the Meaning of Innovation
What about you?????? LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS (maybe you have to register..)
lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009
Stirred, I grasp my jacket from the upper shelf, looking for some coins, when he passes by me. But dignity or shyness prevents him from waiting for me to find the coins in the last pocket of the jacket. When I finally find it, he has already gone. Trough the windows I can see him in the platform, under a late afternoon sun, and, in a tired gesture, he lays the violin against a concrete column and picks his purse from the pocket, turning it down on his palm.
His face is suntanned, and his facial features remind me of some people from Mediterranean Balkans, or maybe Middle East.
A great dignity and a hint of grief emanates from him.
I remain, with my coin in my closed hand.
jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009
UNA MIRADA ADENTRO - parte 2 - Unión por el Mediterraneo y politicas Pyme en paises MENA
Ya os conté en un post anterior mi participación en el grupo de trabajo de la OCDE sobre políticas de la Pyme en el espacio MENA. Esto sucedió en Mayo, creo recordar. Hoy os voy a contar temas de fondo que se escucharon en la reunión.
Esta entrada al Blog tiene un contenido más técnico que otras entradas anteriores, relacionado con la Inversión extranjera en Oriente Medio, la Cooperación al Desarrollo y Egipto. A quien no le interese ya puede dejar de leer ahora.
A) La UNION POR EL MEDITERRANEO fue el plato estrella de la jornada. Vino Carmen Laín, del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores, que es quien está cocinando el plan de trabajo y presupuesto de lo que se gestionará desde Barcelona. Nos contó cosas interesantes y decisiones “muy frescas” (ahora quizá ya más conocidas).
UpM será un organismo con capacidad de ejecución. Simplificando, esto significa que no es un organismo que sólo realice estudios, defina políticas, acute como foro, etc. Será un organismo con Proyectos y con presupuesto para su ejecución. Al menos así se dice que será. Por ahora, ya se han definido áreas de trabajo y se han realizado (y comprometido) aportaciones de presupuesto por parte de los gobiernos que participan. En un principio, se calcula que entre 50 y 60 personas formarán la plantilla de la secretaría, cuyo presupuesto de funcionamiento se situaría entre los 10 y los 20 millones de euros, la mitad del cual procedentes de las arcas de la Comisión Europea y la otra parte de los Estados miembros
UdM tendrá dos sedes. Una diplomática en el Palau de Pedralbes, y otra ejecutiva en el antiguo edificio del Hospital de Sant Pau, un edificio modernista precioso que concentrará organismos dedicados al espacio Mediterraneo.
Los Programas que gestionará UdM son:
1.- Medio ambiente - Descontaminación del Mediterráneo (22 millones de euros para 2009-2010)
2.- Autopistas marítimas y terrestres (7,5 millones de euros)
3.- Energías alternativas: Plan Solar Mediterráneo (5 millones de euros)
FEMIP- Mecanismo Euromediterráneo de Inversión y Cooperación ( 32 millones de euros para 2009-2010)
4.- Enseña nza superior e investigación - Universidad euromediterránea
5.- El desarrollo y refuerzo de la protección civil en la región mediante la construcción y consolidación de la capacidad de reacción.
6.- La iniciativa « Invest in MED », que apoya a las inversiones en la región.
7.- La Seguridad Marítima Mediterránea a través del programa SAFEMED.
B.- Entrando en materia de POLÍTICAS PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA PYME en los paises MENA.
Los bancos (Sabadell y Bancaixa) reclaman que el principal problema para que la Pyme acceda a financiación (imprescindible para su desarrollo) es la falta de un sistema de garantías. Y contra lo que pudiera pensarse, es fundamental el sistema de garantías interbancario. Por decirlo llanamente: si el banco en MENA no ofrece garantías de su solvencia, ningún otro banco va a prestarle dinero; por lo que el primero no podrá desarrollar el crédito a Pymes. Menos fundamental, pero también importante, es el sistema de rating de solvencia y de registro de morosidad para Pymes (inexistente), que es un freno también a prestarles dinero.
A destacar la existencia de fondos de inversión en private equity en Marruecos, Tunez y Algeria, creados por la consultora Riva y García y gestionados por Albert Alsina. Valiente iniciativa. Del grupo de los pioneros. Ellos también inciden en el tema del sistema de garantías. Próximo paso: Egipto.
Las políticas de desarrollo de la Pyme pasan, entre otras medidas, por:
1.- La mejora del entorno de negocios: seguridad jurídica, riesgo país, sistemas de transparencia, facilidad para creación de empresas, acceso a la financiación, etc.
2.- El acceso de la Pyme al crédito:
2.1.- Sistemas de información sobre solvencia y morosidad (agencias de rating, registro de morosidad tipo RAI y ASNEF).
2.2.- La información sobre productos financieros y su gestión:
2.3.- La disponibilidad de solvencia bancaria para operaciones de préstamos entre bancos
3.- La mejora de la legislación mercantil y la fiscalidad al empresario y al emprendedor:
3.1.- Reducción de la burocracia y la corrupción.
3.2.- La fiscalidad favorable a las inversiones productivas
3.3.- El trato transparente y favorable a la inversión extranjera. Los incentivos fiscales y directos.
3.4.- La seguridad jurídica y buen trato a la repatriación y la desinversión.
4.- El apoyo al desarrollo de las empresas de alto crecimiento (lo que se llama empresas “gacela”, las que crecen más del 20-30% durante más de 3 años seguidos)) y los clusters de empresas (muy de moda).
MI OPINION, basada en mi experiencia, es que esto va lento. Conozco a los funcionarios de Ministerios de Industria y otros organismos, y observo a los que no conozco. Les sitúo en el contexto de sus países, sus sistemas administrativos y de toma de decisiones gubernamentales, sus entornos culturales personales y políticos… y lo único que puedo decir es que esto va lento. A veces, desesperantemente lento.
Que lo veamos!
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
Nunca antes había aprendido y vivido tanto y tan intensamente en 9 días. ¿Nunca, nunca, nunca? Efectivamente, jamás de los jamases antes de ahora. Hay dos opciones que lo explican: o mi vida ha sido una vida aburrida, o este curso es “la bomba”. Alguna amiga mía diría que es “la caña de España”, Carmelo preferiría decir “es la p…a” para referirse a algo excepcional (como él es, y lo sabe). Yo tengo la fantasía que Carlota preferiría explicarlo de forma más visual y expansiva, y que Vicenç quizá diría “Sí, está bien que digas que es bueno”.
Para aquellos que no conocíais nada de la PNL, sabed que os acabo de sacar de la incompetencia inconsciente (no sabéis que no sabéis) para meteros en la incompetencia consciente (sabéis que no sabéis). Si queréis avanzar a la competencia consciente (sabéis que sabeis) os recomiendo este curso (también en otros formatos) como un regalo de la vida. Así de claro de lo digo: un regalo de la vida. Con Vicenç Olivé (te saludo desde aquí) todo se hará mágico y fácil. Y si os interesa, hablad con Aina Olivé en el Institut Gestalt. Decid que venís de mi parte (y os harán pagar el doble si es que os dan plaza).
Bueno, lo que quería contaros es que esto de la PNL es un cóctel multimedicinal que, a la vez que te sirve por trabajo (si tratas con personas) te puede cambiar (arreglar o fastidiar) la vida, como te la miras y como la usas. Además, puedes aplicarlo con tu pareja y otras formas de familia, hijos, etc.
Como consultor de empresas (también para otros tipos de profesionales orientados a personas) ésta será una de las claves que marcaran la diferencia en este S.XXI. Y no quiero parecer mesiánico, pero una herramienta de este calibre y potencia, que se orienta a dar luz sobre la oscuridad de las personas, es una herramienta clave de esta Era orientada al talento.
Por último (last but not least) os he de confesar que tengo la fantasía que siempre recordaré este curso y a muchos de mis compañeros (un abrazo a todos vosotros), que haré raport y metamodelaré espontáneamente, que contribuiré a la definición de objetivos “ecológicos” propios y ajenos, y que sabré encontrar enfoques y herramientas precisas y efectivas para la gestión y transformación de personas y, en definitiva, que viviré mejor.
Desde aquí, un abrazo a todos mis compañeros de curso, y un abrazo también a quien lo quiera o lo necesite. … Ahí va eso!!!!
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
..te deseo también que tengas enemigos - I also wish you that you have enemies. VICTOR HUGO
Te deseo también que tengas amigos,y que, incluso malos e inconsecuentessean valientes y fieles, y que por lo menos haya uno en quien confiar sin dudar
Y porque la vida es así,te deseo también que tengas enemigos.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
UNA MIRADA ADENTRO. Politicas PYME en MENA. Lo que se dice y lo que no se dice en los grupos de trabajo OCDE
Me invitaron a participar en el grupo de trabajo de la OCDE para la definición de políticas para la Pyme en el espacio Middle East North Africa (MENA) por mi especial relación con Egipto. De estas jornadas os traigo algunas impresiones e ideas.
- Lo organizó el IEMED, Institut Europeu de la Mediterrania, de Barcelona. Les felicitio por su trabajo y el prestigio que se han ganado. Felicito a Xavier Albarracín.
- Las políticas para la Pyme son las mismas desde que tengo uso de razón…
- Los “grupos de trabajo” de alto nivel son (salvo contadas ocasiones)… pues eso mismo. Para algunos son las dos cosas (grupos y trabajo), pero para muchos son sólo lo primero. Para pocos lo segundo.
- Hubo destacadas ausencias. Por lo que a mi me concierne, Egipto no estuvo al nivel de representación que una nación así debería tener … nadie del Ministerio de Industria y Comercio de Rachid M. Rachid con responsabilidades sobre la Pyme o sobre el entorno financiero. Estaba prevista la asistencia del Presidente de la Bolsa de Egipto pero canceló en el último momento debido a una intervención parlamentaria (¿Por qué siempre cancelan en el último minuto y siempre de debe a urgencias insuperables? … Y lo digo con conocimiento de causa… creedme… :-). Sí hubo la representación del Técnico Comercial de Egipto en Barcelona, Abdel Aziz El Sherif. Digna pero insuficiente.
- Los representantes (algunos) acuden a la reunión a repetir su presentación enlatada por cuarta vez (un asistente así me lo aseguró).
Otros llegan tarde, participan sin aportar valor, y se marchan temprano… Quizá incluso habrá que agradecerles tenerlos un rato…
Otros hablan de lo que les conviene en vez de hablar de lo que toca hablar. - Al final el trabajo habrá que hacerlo, y siempre son los mismos los que lo hacen. Rompo una lanza a favor de los técnicos de la OCDE y de otras instituciones que serán los que finalmente trabajen.
- La Union por el Mediterraneo (sede en Barcelona) tendrá un enfoque práctico y gestionará programas ejecutivos (con dinero, para “hacer cosas”). Carmen Laín vino a explicarnos el contenido de los programas que se gestionarán, especialmente el dedicado al desarrollo de la Pyme. Lo comentaré en un post futuro.
Seguiré comentando en próximos dias/posts.
Quien quiera que le de más información u otro insight del tema ... pues aquí me tiene.
martes, 26 de mayo de 2009
Kundera tenía ganas de salirse de su vida
Levanto la mirada. Tras los cristales polvorientos del tren, el sol de atardecer casi de verano penetra, y los rayos oblícuos iluminan los hangares de la estación de Rubí... Una idea viene a mi cabeza de forma espontanea y muy clara..
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009
Inclusive Business. The private companies as drivers of development. To include small/micro companies in the value chain of bigger companies. It is based on the idea that poverty is best understood as a lack of opportunities. Hence, a corporation providing business opportunities to the poor, even if it is for profit, is understood as cooperation to development. Inclusive business implies a mindset change: from philanthropy to Corporate Social Responsibility… further on…. inclusive business.
The standpoint of Inclusive Business is new as, since now, cooperation to development was mainly an issue of governments giving funds and of NGOs executing cooperation on the field.
In the workshop I assisted a few weeks ago, big names from ODCE, BID, ONUDI among others exposed theories and a few cases of inclusive business: a corporation creating a network of saleswomen (mostly housewifes), and a distribution network of products in housekeeping and food. One of the projects was in a slum in Peru.
The way it was exposed was great, and we could see big benefits for everybody…. But there is a deep debate behind.
a.- On one hand, we have clear and real benefits for poor people, who can access to a new income source, who are trained in business, and who gain a relevant job and personal experience.
b.- On the other hand, we have clear profit (or loss?) for the corporation. It is fair to say that although the corporation looks for profit, they do have to invest and, somehow, to risk money and credibility.
The discussion is currently open and vivid in all fields. Nobody set, up to now, clear criteria of what is acceptable or not to be funded with public money. And the public agencies for development are now working on this debate... believe me... I could see this.
What is the thin red line that governments and public agencies for development can NOT cross?
What may be financed with our money and what should not?
domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
Mr. Jean François Mayer, Director of the Swiss Institute Religioscope (, dedicated his presentation to an image which captures what a nice space of dialog is: the praying spaces found at airports. It seems to me a beautiful image of tolerance and understanding based on sharing a common ground of spirituality. Maybe some of you have paid attention to them… They are small spaces constituting churches, synagogues and mosques at the same time. If you happen to go there, you will find Christians, Muslims, Jews and other religious communities praying together. Each one is praying following his/her cult, all respecting the others, all sharing a moment of peace and spirituality. This proves that different religions can coexist in peace and good neighborhood.
At this point, my first question arrives: Why some religious people/organizations/leaders insist in fostering confrontation among faiths? (Is it to preserve their power?) Do the different “churches” put the necessary energy (through praying, talking and giving direct advice) in giving a clear message of brotherhood and “no exclusion” of other religions? Obviously they do not.
The Swiss presenter made a bright point on what Tolerance is: the analysis of other religions through the schemes (points of view) of the religion type you look at, instead of through your own schemes. My point of view: things take another sense when you succeed (it always requires an effort to do so) to see them from a different point of view this does not imply to take another sense when you succeed. Try to apply this to an ordinary conversation, a business negotiation, a conflict with wife/husband, etc… and you will immediately see how you advance, you evolve in the process of understanding and reaching a better consensus. If you apply this to the way you look towards the “church” appearing in front of your eyes, you will soon start understanding and loving it.
If you are not familiar with the Company of Jesus, I can say that they are always very well educated (2 Phds, most of them hold 2 PhD’s), with a sharp thinking, and quite progressive ideas. Nevertheless, they always show them (the ideas) in a way that they seem not to challenge anything (but in their deep meaning, they challenge lots of things).
Going back to Mr. Xavier Melloni… As an introduction, he spoke about the two forces that religions do have inside of them, and that they are forces pulling towards opposed sides. This two forces are: on one side the identity, roots and sense of community, and on the opposed side the process to transcend, to empty unnecessary loads… that is to say… to remove, release, give away many things in order to be able to grow high as a human and a member of the Universe, son of God, etc.
This two confronted forces bring us to a necessary paradox (here comes the part I liked most): the need to conduct a still, slow and healthy process to ease the absolutisms, to soften the most tight and strong ideas that religions do hold and do pretend.
Hereinbefore is the way he expressed the idea. Hereinafter are my own ideas: “things” are not as much as “they” have told us.
Each of you will now immediately wonder what do I mean when I say “things” and when I say “they”. By “things” I mean all that stuff that we have been taught as ideas that we must believe because they are true. By “they” I mean the people we respected that, since we were kids, have taught us stories, concepts, ideas and have insisted us that they were true and that we had to believe them the way they taught us.
Mr Melloni furnished us with some other “new” ideas. I am still trying to see their deepness, and to see how far could I get by riding these ideas and letting my mind to travel further…
He spoke about a new paradigm… the Dialog (among religions)… the difficult art of dialog. Throwing some healthy theory to the audience, he explained Dialog as a continuing process of alienation of oneself:
* Ecstasy – you get out of yourself
* Alteration – you change
* Emtasy (?) – you go back to yourself
This process allows and facilitates the advance …it is like going up in the a stairs: you get your foot out of its place, you make it advance and, finally, you put it again in its (new) place…
In other words if you do not change your position you will never go progress. But changing your position requires an effort and (probably) a risk.
Now, try to apply the previous ideas to understand another religion (yes… that religion/church that you dislike and that you think it has so bad points…). Moreover, try to apply these to the points of view of your wife/husband, to your client/supplier’s ones, to your kids/parents’, etc…
Reaching the end of his speech, he spoke about a quite abstract concept: the “multi-form transcendent “stuff” that each religion configures (explains) in a different way”… Smart.. isn’t it? It is a surprising idea coming from a priest.
But, to my surprise, this idea captures 100% of my thoughts about religions (mine, the one of my education, but also about other religions I know and I love, and that I learned later on in my life).
To finish, Mr Melloni threw the last (challenging) idea. To do it softly, he exposed that as a question (not as a statement):
Is dialog among religions going towards a superior synthesis?
Just take this question and try to think what was Mr. Melloni suggesting. In my opinion, such a smart and clever guy was showing us only a tiny part of a big issue laying behind the question. We could see the power of new ideas about religions. It is your own job to guess what…
To add my own crazy ideas:
Is globalization reaching the (closed) sphere of religions??
Does this suggest anything to you? Did you ever think about globalization and religions?
miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009
One of the issues at stake was the global crisis and its effect on unemployment. Of course crisis affects Holand also, and of course there is a growing unemployment. We are brothers in this.
But what we learned is that while unemployment is 14% in Spain ( 20% in some regions), it is growing fast toward 6,5%in Holand !!!!!!!! Shame on us!
No further comment on this... Everybody understood that there are "differences"...
Nertheless, we shared some views about the crisis:
* it creates opportunities
* changes are called to be decided and executed
* those who do better will come out in a stronger position
* it is time to be more eager, energetic and fearless toward change
* those who do not succeed in changing, those who think that it is just a cycle and we have to go trough it like holding breath and wait for better times... these guys (companies) will perish
* INNOVATING, doing things in a different way (using or not technology) is one of the clues for success.
* COOPERATION is another... but cooperation has to be understood in a broad and new way...
* PERSONS are the key of success, of INNOVATION and of COOPERATION.
3 (three) things to remeber:
* the value of Persons (not of workers, employees, etc.... PERSONS in all their human dimensions)
* the value of INNOVATION
* the value of COOPERATION (instead of Competition) .... think about Strategic Agreements, among PERSONS who manage companies.
These guys (the dutch) were proactive (maybe even happy) about the Crisis ... but we (the team we were there) were even HAPPIER about the changes and chances we were facing and pursuing.
sábado, 10 de enero de 2009
Personal hints on RELAXATION and, eventually, meditation.
I am happy to share with you how to relax body and mind … or at least how to try to!
Put yourself in a comfortable position, with comfortable clothes (maybe pyjama) in a quiet room (no TV or noisy music) and with low light.
Get a comfortable position, not stressing hands, arms or legs.
Breath deeply, for a few times, trying to relax all muscles. If you feel that your hands are crisp, or any leg, arm, etc. is tense, when expelling air, try to ease that part of your body and relaxing that muscle.
Close your eyes and keep breathing for a short while, until you are sure that no muscles are under stress. Now you can start the next process of relaxation / meditation.
The clue for meditation is concentrating your mind in one simple process, such as breathing in and out very slowly. Many thoughts will come to your mind (mostly those that worry you), let them come, but try not to “catch” them but to let them go as they came.
Breathe slowly and concentrate on the air that you get in. Then expel it out as slowly as you can, being conscious all the time about how you expel the air out.
My trick is to try to count while I pull the air out of my lungs. I count slowly, first until 6… then until 8 … and when I am more relaxed I count until 10 or 12… but never feel scarce of oxygen…It is not an exercise of apnoea!
Breathing should me made with your stomach, not your lungs. This means that you push your stomach out to get air in trough your mouth or nose, and them you push your stomach in, in order to take air out of your lungs. How it works is making your diaphragm move up and down, and making the air move out and in, in your lungs.
Keep doing this as long as you can.
The difficulties will appear in the form of thoughts and ideas that come to your mind and distract you from your breathing exercise. Let them in, but they will go out as soon as you restart thinking about your breathing, feeling the air in and out, concentrating on your stomach in and out, and counting slowly while you expel the air slowly through your mouth/nose.
It is not easy, and it may take you some days to advance, but if you insist you will finally realize that you are succeeding and that worrying thought are kept away and that you body gets in a slow mood.
Hint: Reading a book for a while before doing this may help you.
Hint: Do not do heavy exercise or exciting things before going to sleep.
Hint: Do not do any intellectual work that puts your mind busy before going to sleep.
Hint: Do some exercise/sport every day.
Hint: Do think that things happen for good, and that there is nothing important enough to keep you worried all day and night.
Good luck….and give me your comments on how you manage!!